Building the capacity of boys and young men of color (BYMOC), mothers & fathers of BYMOC and transit riders to be leaders at all levels in their communities.
T4B's current projects include: Central Avenue, Food Justice, Outdoor Equity & Transit Riders.
T4B’s vision is, “T4B envisions health and health equity for boys and young men of color (BYMOC) as well as their families and communities.” T4B’s mission is “T4B, led by community & love, partners across New Mexico with boys & young men of color (BYMOC) and allies to build power, demand justice & create change.”
Together for Brothers (T4B) Wellness Practices
T4B believes that prioritizing the health – behavioral, community, emotional, financial, physical and spiritual wellness – and wellbeing of our employees and community are crucial to our vision of healthy communities. We have several wellness practices that we follow to foster a culture of wellbeing:
T4B full-time employees work a 35 hour work week with 5 of those hours being “wellness hours” for staff to promote health including behavioral, community, financial, mental, physical and spiritual wellness. Employees or contractors that work less than 10 hours weekly receive 1 wellness hour weekly and those who work more than 15 hours receive 2.50 wellness hours weekly.
T4B full-time employees receive benefits including health insurance, paid leave and vacation.
T4B takes two weeks of paid breaks for between the four month seasons of Winter (January-April), Summer (May-August) and Fall (September-December). Additionally each season there is one week of paid break.
T4B partners with Three Sisters Kitchen to provide employees and contractors “ReFresh” foodshare of fresh locally grown produce from the Refresh Food Access Program every other week.
T4B offers $500.00 asset and capacity building grants once each season for personal efforts to meet goals of new and existing assets.
T4B also provides technology assistance including laptops and/or WiFi for employees and contractors.
T4B practices 10-Step Tai Ji and incorporates the movements into our principles. Staff and contractors take part in weekly Tai Ji sessions via Zoom and include 10-Step Tai Ji in all activities, circles and meetings.