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Building the capacity of boys and young men of color (BYMOC), mothers & fathers of BYMOC and transit riders to be leaders at all levels in their communities.
T4B’s vision is, “T4B envisions health and health equity for boys and young men of color (BYMOC) as well as their families and communities.” T4B’s mission is “T4B, led by community & love, partners across New Mexico with boys & young men of color (BYMOC) and allies to build power, demand justice & create change.”
HIA Toolkit
Welcome to Together for Brothers HIA Toolkit page! The following materials were made in partnership with NM Health Equity Partnership to share a few methods and tools T4B used to engage the leadership of young men of color in all steps of the HIA.
The three (3) graphics* are paired with the two (2) videos are tools available to intergenerational teams implementing Health Impact Assessments through youth-adult partnerships. They are meant to be remixed, modified and shaped to fit the community that's using them.
For more information or support on using this toolkit please contact
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