Building the capacity of boys and young men of color (BYMOC), mothers & fathers of BYMOC and transit riders to be leaders at all levels in their communities.
T4B's current projects include: Central Avenue, Food Justice, Outdoor Equity & Transit Riders.
T4B’s vision is, “T4B envisions health and health equity for boys and young men of color (BYMOC) as well as their families and communities.” T4B’s mission is “T4B, led by community & love, partners across New Mexico with boys & young men of color (BYMOC) and allies to build power, demand justice & create change.”
Together for Brothers (T4B) is a community organization led by boys & young men of color (BYMOC), community and love to build power, demand justice & create change. T4B builds capacity of BYMOC ages 12-24 to be leaders at all levels in their communities especially connected to (live, work, play, pray or learn in) the Downtown, International District and Westgate neighborhoods.Help the brothers fundraise for T4B's Community Justice Project that centers systems impacted BYMOC to be organizers and solutions for community justice and safety in our community. Click on the donate button below.
T4B launched the Community Safety Project in Fall 2021 with five self-identified systems impacted boys and young men of color. In addition to participating in T4B's Fall with the Brothers, Community Justice Youth Leaders also researched data, co-created a survey with the community, documented stories of BYMOC and hosted a community justice town hall
$0.75 of each $1 donated go directly back to BYMOC and their families in stipends and resources.
Contact with any questions.